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The Career, Co-op & Student Success Centre is ³ÉÈ˵çÓ°'s central resource to access relevant and responsive support to navigate their way in, through and out of Toronto Met into their careers. Our innovative model of support allows us to meet students where they are in their journey, delivering equity-focused and inclusive programs and services that cover a student's journey from their first year at TMU through to their graduation into their career.

For Students

Apply for Co-op

Join a new kind of co-op program that prepares you for your career after graduation.

Apply for Student Jobs

Apply for one of the many on-campus jobs available to you at Toronto Met.

Career Development Resources

Access our award-winning career resource publications & D2L resource hub.

Student Success

The Student Success Navigators connect you to campus services and supports to make the most of your university experience.

For Employers, Faculty & Staff

Meet & Hire Toronto Met Talent

Connect with TMU's talented and diverse community of students and alumni.

Hire a Co-op Student

Join a new kind of co-op program. TMU is your shortcut to finding Canada’s top talent!

Hire Career Boost Students

Hire one of Toronto Met’s talented students to enrich the work in your department.

Work With Us

When we work together, we can help you support Toronto Met’s talented students and alumni.

Career & Co-op Centre Upcoming Events

To learn about more of our events and workshops visit our event calendar.

Hours of Operation: Mon. to Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

We are open during exam weeks and reading weeks, but are closed on weekends and Toronto Met Statutory Holidays.

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